Package com.vdocipher.aegis.player
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description PlaybackState Represents playback state which can be saved and used to restore a VdoPlayer to an earlier playback state. PlayerHostNotReadyException Thrown when getPlayer is called on an uninitialized PlayerHost or if the hosted VdoPlayer has been released. Builder Builder class for constructing instances of VdoInitParams. VdoInitParams VdoInitParams
is a final class that encapsulates the initialization parameters required to load a media into a VdoPlayer for playback.VdoMediaMetadata VdoMediaMetadata is a class that encapsulates metadata for media content in a VDO Player. VdoPlayerFragment A VdoPlayerFragment hosts a VdoPlayer for media playback. Builder Builder class for constructing a VdoPlayerSetting instance. VdoPlayerSetting VdoPlayerSetting is a configuration class for setting up playback behavior in a VdoPlayer. VdoPlayerSupportFragment Support library based equivalent of VdoPlayerFragment. VdoPlayerView VdoWindow VdoTimeLine -
Interface Summary Interface Description InitializationListener Interface for callbacks related to initialization of a VdoPlayer. PlayerHost Interface for classes that can provide a VdoPlayer instance to load media and control playback. PlaybackEventListener Interface for callbacks related to playback events. VdoPlayer Interface for controlling playback. Callback -
Annotation Summary Annotation Description ResizeMode Resize modes for PlayerHost. TimelineChangeReason -
Enum Summary Enum Description VdoPlaybackMode The different playback modes, each providing a different level of persistence.