For people looking to make money from videos either by selling videos online , selling courses online or using videos for marketing and promotion- VdoCipher is the most affordable online video hosting solution out there. To cater to cheap video hosting requirements of a lot of small businesses, VdoCipher has a pay as you use pricing model. You need to pay only for the bandwidth and storage which you consume. There are no fixed monthly costs. For people looking to sell videos online on their site, with a payment of $20 , one can get to stream a 200 MB video for 200 times, i.e meager 0.1$ for one playback. Content owner can get maximum profit out of their online videos. VdoCipher’s feature of buffer retention ensures minimal bandwidth usage, which further significantly reduces the cost and makes VdoCipher the best video hosting solution in the market.
The features which one can enjoy along with the cheap video hosting solution are great. Encrypted streaming for secure video hosting service, video analytics to keep track of your user performance, dynamic watermarking with viewer detail to deter screen capturing, bulk upload of videos through desktop, Dropbox or shared URL. For high bandwidth usage , VdoCipher prices reduce significantly. VdoCipher provides custom encoding facilities to stream for every device and every internet speed. Thus, people looking for a cheap video hosting solution can also enjoy these premium features to make most out of their videos.
To start with a free trial of VdoCipher – you just need to signup with a mail. No credit card , no details , no time limit, just signup and you are ready to sell videos online. Signup for free trial
ck out this article.If you have any queries, team VdoCipher is here to help you. Please send your queries and specific requirements to the contact link located here.
Supercharge Your Business with Videos
At VdoCipher we maintain the strongest content protection for videos. We also deliver the best viewer experience with brand friendly customisations. We'd love to hear from you, and help boost your video streaming business.

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