We can all agree that streaming our favorite show or song can turn any day into a perfect escape, bringing entertainment and relaxation at the comfort of our home. Streaming has become such an integral part of our lives that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. Whether you're binge-watching a series, grooving to your favorite playlist, or simply watching a live event in real-time, streaming delivers content to us in the blink of an eye. But have you ever wondered how all of this happens? Behind every smooth playback lies an interesting web of technology, sending data packets…
A Complete Guide on WordPress Live Streaming: Embed, Tips and More
Get Started with Live Streaming Now Are you looking to live stream video content on your WordPress site? If the answer is yes, then look no further, we’ve got you covered. You all have heard of live streaming here and now, be it on social media, news, or sports related events. It has become an essential tool for engaging audiences in real-time, whether for business, education, or entertainment. With WordPress dominating and powering over 40% of the web, integrating live streaming into your WordPress site is now possible and can significantly enhance user experience and engagement. In this guide, we…
Video Streaming Stats 2025: Trends Across VOD, OTT, and More
The streaming world is exploding, and it's not just about binge-watching your favorite series anymore. From Video on Demand (VOD) platforms to the creative frenzy of social media streaming and the growing universe of E-Learning sites, we're in the golden age of online content. It's a dynamic playground where popular platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and HBO Max compete for your screen time, while social media giants like YouTube, Facebook Live, and Twitch keep us endlessly entertained. Meanwhile, E-Learning pioneers like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy are schooling millions with their engaging video lessons. For viewers, it's all about finding the…
Top 16 Live Streaming Software Ranked in 2025
Live streaming is more than just a trend. It’s a revolution in how we share and consume video content. From influencers going live now and then, showcasing their knowledge, and connecting live with their audience to gamers sharing epic online battles, live streaming is transforming the digital landscape. The global live streaming market grew from $1.24 billion in 2022 to $1.49 billion in 2023. And it is expected to grow to more than $3 billion in 2027. But why is live streaming such a big deal in 2024? For starters, video has become the king of content. Everyone loves to…
A Comprehensive Guide to Video Monetization Platforms and Models for Digital Revenue
You are here because you are looking for ways to monetize your video content, right? Gone are the days when you used to create online videos just for hobby purposes. Earlier when creators wanted to monetize their videos, YouTube was the only bet. Fast forward to now, things have changed, with the creator economy boom, the number of video monetization platforms has also risen. Today the world of video monetization is as big as the content we binge-watch. And it's not just about cashing in but also owning your content and being the boss of your income. But let’s be…
Safeguarding Your Content in 2023: Best Ways to Share Videos Privately
According to stats, just in 2023, an average person has consumed 17 hours of video online per week. That’s huge, right? Video content and sharing are more popular than ever across the world. However, not all videos are meant for sharing publicly. While there are public video platforms like YouTube where most of the content is meant for sharing, the need for private video hosting solutions has also increased to prevent unauthorized access. A perfect example would be a tutor who wants to host his lecture videos for only authorized users (in this case students). Businesses often suffer a heavy…