В последнее время наблюдается всплеск числа доступных OTT- и платформ для электронного обучения. С ростом числа видеоплатформ, связанное с ними пиратство также стремительно возросло. Компании теперь переходят на частные услуги хостинга видео, которые обеспечивают безопасность их контента. В конце концов, зачем вам нужно, чтобы все ваши усилия просто раздавались бесплатно? Существуют различные бесплатные видеохостинг Извините, но я не вижу текст для перевода. Пожалуйста, предоставьте текст, который вы хотите перевести с английского на русский. платформы, такие как YouTube и Vimeo. Они идеально подходят, если вы хотите делиться вашим контентом публично. Но если вы хотите размещать частный контент за платным доступом или…
Pay-Per-View Live Streaming Video Platforms
We live in a world where video consumption has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether you're a content creator or a consumer, having continuous access to content has successfully taken center stage. As expected, Pay-Per-View has risen in popularity, also creating more monetization options for content creators and businesses. As professional pay-per-view live streaming platforms turn out to be game changers when it comes to the creation, hosting, and monetization of content, it becomes crucial to dive into the details. In this article, we're going to take a detailed look at pay-per-view live streaming by delving into…
Live Event Streaming: How to Live Stream an Event?
Imagine organizing a high-profile event—a product launch, a conference, or even a music festival. You’ve spent weeks, maybe months, planning the perfect experience. But when the big day arrives, only a fraction of your intended audience can attend due to travel constraints, scheduling conflicts, or limited venue capacity. What if you could break these barriers and bring your event to a global audience in real-time—while also giving them the flexibility to catch up at their own pace? That’s exactly where live event streaming comes in. With ZenStream's advanced live streaming platform, your audience doesn’t just watch the event live—they can…
Elearning Video Protection: Protect Videos from Piracy in 2025
According to Dataprot, around 24% of internet bandwidth is used to illegally download or upload copyrighted content online. This also includes lot of e-learning and media video content. Piracy continues to grow, as pirates find creative ways to download and illegally share content. Park Associates stated that revenue loss due to video piracy can exceed $61 billion in 2020. For 2023, this revenue loss is projected to be around $63 billion. It's high time you think about video protection for e-learning and movies! We cover various methods, technologies & statistics on both video piracy and video protection in this blog.…
Top 12 YouTube Alternatives and Online Video Platforms Like YouTube (2025)
Videos have become our primary source of learning, marketing, and entertainment, more than ever. And this trend will continue in the future, too, considering the large volume of content being added to online video platforms each day. Especially when 71% of viewers say they watch more video than they did a year ago. Which is the most popular platform when it comes to online video streaming sites? Undoubtedly, YouTube. Since its launch in 2004, YouTube has been one of the best video sharing platforms in the world. It has over 2.4 billion active users. This video sharing platform is the…
Top 12 Live Streaming Platforms: All You Need To Know in 2025
Live streaming is everywhere! Whether you are a content creator looking to engage with your audience live, an educator trying to connect with your students online, or even a sports broadcaster streaming live. Live streaming although majorly started with gamers streaming their content online and engaged with them. It has now shifted with people of different walks using it for different purposes. Teachers use live streaming to teach students from different geographical locations together online. Table Of Content: What is Live Streaming? What is a Live Streaming Website? Live Streaming Stats and Trends in 2023 What are the Benefits of…