Table of Contents: What is a Video CMS? Why You Need an Enterprise-level Video CMS? How is VdoCipher’s Enterprise Video CMS distinct from YouTube or Vimeo? VdoCipher’s Video CMS: Your one-stop solution for videos on the cloud Import videos from all Cloud Servers Your Video CMS should be Customized, for You Top Video CMS Platforms Securely share your private videos Organize your online videos Compatible with all major Learning Management Systems Popular FAQs
Hollywood’s Premium Video on Demand Model
Streaming video has opened the floodgates to home entertainment. With inexpensive subscriptions to Netflix, Amazon Prime and niche subscription video on demand platforms, you now have access to limitless content within a few clicks. Underlying technological shifts have led a ginormous rise in subscription video on demand platforms. These same shifts have also contributed to an equally dramatic collapse in DVD sales. DVD sales are declining and being beaten by Subscription Video on Demand DVD revenues have, since their launch in early 2000s, dominated the home entertainment market. At their peak in 2006, DVD sales dwarfed box office receipts. The…
Video on Demand Platform for Media & E-learning Businesses
Video on Demand platforms have opened up a plethora of choices for viewers. Viewers no longer find themselves dependent upon what their cable network is broadcasting at a particular time. Channel surfing is replaced by informed decision making on VOD platform. Strong recommendation systems help show relevant content to users, thereby optimizing user experience. Because of this ability to offer a personalized user experience, Video on Demand Platforms retain a phenomenal ability to engage viewers and keep viewers on their platform. Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have both been aggressively building a vast content catalogue. It is imperative for these Over-the-top…
Premier League is Battling Online Video Piracy
Table of Contents: Video Piracy is Posing an Existential Threat History of Premier League Broadcasting deals Costs of subscription and the PL revenue model Use of Kodi Boxes and Software for Online Video Piracy Litigation Against Pubs televising Premier League Games using EU subscription Cannot target users for fear of public backlash and because of EU ruling Conclusion Online Video Piracy is Posing an Existential Threat to Premier League Online video piracy is increasingly becoming an existential threat for the English Premier League. The Premier League is widely branded as the best league in the world ( often to the dismay of…
The Definitive Guide to Free LMS Plugins for WordPress
Are you overwhelmed by the vast range of paid and free LMS plugins available on WordPress? You've just started with creating your online course, and do not quite know which LMS plugin - paid or free - to get started with. Free LMS Plugins are Ideal to Create Your First Online Course When you are a first time online course creator you are much more likely to want to test your content with a free LMS plugin. Whether it is to cut costs or to simply test the viability of your content in the form of a course, free LMS plugins offer a…
Secure Hosting for Flipped Classroom Videos
The model of flipped learning has the potential to revolutionize classroom teaching. In this methodology learners are assigned videos to watch before a class. By delivering basic instructions through a flipped classroom video, students are much more informed about the subject before class begins. This makes for a much more engaging classroom discussion, ensuring that the passive learning in the traditional classroom is now replaced by a much more active model of learning. In this blog post, I seek to explain factors you should consider when hosting Flipped Classroom videos. Designing flipped classroom videos is not straightforward. Prior to flipping you need…