Over-the-top (OTT) streaming is partly a subset of VOD streaming and has revolutionized the way audiences consume video content. OTT streaming is limited to internet-based streaming including live stream. From Netflix to Amazon Prime, OTT platforms deliver content directly to users via the internet, bypassing traditional cable or satellite TV. With ease of delivering video content across the globe through the internet there comes the threat of piracy. Even basic encryption does not work as the key to decrypt the content is also accessible within the network. This has motivated the tech giants like Google and Apple to provide a…
VdoCipher protects user videos with Hollywood-grade DRM. Our DRM systems ensure complete protection for premium videos while delivering the best streaming experience. Learn more about how VdoCipher protects your videos.
DRM Platforms Importance & Implementation Guide for Video Production
Video content consumption is at an all-time high and is the main medium to convey information. With the widespread access to the internet, there have been too many cases of hacked videos making their way to the internet illegally. Video creators and businesses not only need to protect their videos in production but also while distributing them online. There needs to be a secure technology to protect and manage your premium content during consumption. Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology is used to protect digital content. DRM technology helps control how users can access and use digital content. For example, DRM…
Google Widevine DRM: Simple Guide to Security & Integration
Google Widevine DRM Simple Guide to Security & Integration One of the main reasons several OTT and e-learning platforms implement and use Widevine DRM is to ensure they earn maximum revenues from their content by restricting illegal free distribution of their content due to video piracy. Try Widevine DRM Show more Table of Contents: What is Widevine DRM? History Of Widevine A Refresher On DRM Widevine Security Levels: L1, L2, L3 Google Widevine DRM Compatibility How Does Widevine DRM Work? VdoCipher’s Widevine DRM Architecture + Streaming Setup Widevine CDM for Delivering the Best User Experience Encrypted Streaming + DRM License…
Video DRM Explained in Simple Language, 32 Key DRM Terminologies Defined
Video DRM Explained in Simple Language, 32 Key DRM Encryption Terminologies DRM protected streaming via secure player ensures maximum video security even for users who do not want to install extension/software (e.g flash earlier) to play DRM protected content. Try Video DRM Show more Table of Contents: What does DRM mean? What does DRM mean in the video playback context? Multi-DRM- What are all video DRMs available? How does DRM secure the videos? Why DRM is better than standard encryption? What does Google, Apple do to maintain video DRMs & security? How can I integrate video DRM for my website/app?…
DRM-Inhaltsschutz Bedeutung und Wie man DRM schützt
Ein Digital Rights Management System ist ein System zur Durchsetzung der Rechte von Eigentümern digitaler Medien, Software oder Geräte. Das System kontrolliert die Nutzung geschützter Materialien, indem es die Anzahl der Wiedergaben eines Liedes oder die Anzahl der erstellten Kopien begrenzt. Digital Rights Management oder DRM-Inhaltsschutz identifiziert die Quelle oder den Eigentümer des Materials oder verhindert den Materialtransfer von einem Gerät auf ein anderes. Inhaltsverzeichnis: DRM-Inhaltsschutz und DRM-Verschlüsselung Bedeutung DRM funktioniert in Browsern und Geräten Hauptanbieter von DRM-Anbietern Was ist DRM-geschützter Video-Content und Streaming? Wie kann man eine Videodatei mit DRM schützen? Warum benötigt man VdoCipher für den DRM-Inhaltsschutz? DRM-geschützte…
Protection de contenu DRM : signification et comment protéger avec DRM
Un système de gestion des droits numériques est un système destiné à faire respecter les droits des propriétaires de médias numériques, de logiciels ou de dispositifs. Le système contrôle l'utilisation du matériel protégé en limitant le nombre de fois qu'une chanson peut être jouée ou en limitant le nombre de copies réalisées. La protection du contenu par la gestion des droits numériques, ou DRM, permet d'identifier la source ou le propriétaire du matériel ou d'empêcher le transfert du matériel d'un dispositif à un autre. Table des matières : Signification de la Protection de Contenu DRM et du Chiffrement DRM Fonctionnement…