There are a lot of instances where the raw video file after camera recording is quite large in size. If it is not on a server or URL, it becomes quite difficult to upload it to online sites like VdoCipher. To solve this problem, there are offline encoders or converters, or transcoders which convert huge video files into decent sizes without any visible loss in video quality. This video compression is key to the video processing system. Some of these tools can also be used to convert files into different formats for video and audio. Here are the details of…
Popular Video Downloader Statistics for Elearningindustry
Video Download Tool Name No. of downloads/Annual Unique Visits Source Savefrom 40,000,000 Alexa Keepvid 25,000,000 Alexa Video Download Helper 4,100,000 Sites Internet Download Manager 3,500,000 Alexa Video Downloader Professional 3,200,000 Site Audials 800,000 Alexa Video Downloader Pro 370,000 Site All mytube wondershare 25,000,000 Site ANT video downloader 2,000,000 Alexa Clip Grab 1,500,000 Alexa Total Users from 10 tools- 110 Million confirmed Pirates World Total user estimate (Assuming top 10 downloaders contributing to 20% of the total downloading piracy, total there are over 100s of options) 500 Million estimated Pirates. That is Every 4th Computer user in world uses video…
Proteção de vídeo de e-learning: assegure a proteção de seus vídeos contra a pirataria
De acordo com a DataProt, cerca de 24% da largura de banda da internet é usada para fazer o download ou upload ilegal de conteúdo on-line protegido por direitos autorais. Esse número também inclui uma grande quantidade de conteúdo de vídeo de e-learning. A pirataria continua crescendo, à medida que os piratas encontram formas criativas para fazer o download e compartilhar conteúdo ilegalmente. A Park Associates declarou que a perda de receita decorrente da pirataria de vídeo pode ter excedido US$61 bilhões em 2020. Para 2023, a perda de receita projetada é de cerca de US$63 bilhões. Portanto, é hora…
Protección de vídeo para el aprendizaje en línea
De acuerdo con Dataprot, alrededor del 24 % del ancho de banda de Internet se utiliza para descargar o cargar ilegalmente contenido con derechos de autor. Esto también incluye mucho contenido en vídeo de aprendizaje en línea. La piratería sigue creciendo, ya que los piratas encuentran formas creativas de descargar y compartir contenido ilegalmente. Park Associates informó que la pérdida de ingresos debido a la piratería de vídeos puede superar los 61 mil millones de dólares en 2020. Para 2023, se proyecta que esta pérdida de ingresos sea de alrededor de 63 mil millones de dólares. ¡Es hora de que…
Guide To Building Your Own eLearning Video Platform with Content Development
We are well aware of how videos have been a powerful learning tool for years. In the year 2020, we have seen its widespread demand and adoption. Studies say that online study videos are the most common eLearning medium for K-12 classrooms while 91% of universities believe video content increases students satisfaction. In 2020, people learned multiple skills on YouTube with 91% in India learning things to do themselves. Now when you know how efficient an eLearning video platform can be, it’s time to consider branching out a bit. You may start considering new ways to explore the video learning…
50+ Online & eLearning Statistics Of Course Apps Websites [2025]
eLearning, also referred to as electronic learning or online learning, is the mode of learning that takes place using electronic technology, often via the Internet. Typically, students can learn at any time or place, as long as they have access to a device and data connection. Online learning provides numerous advantages that include self-paced learning and the choice of choosing your learning environment. In addition, eLearning is cost-efficient as it removes the geographical obstacles of classroom education and the market is projected to grow $350 Billion by 2022. In this piece, we have tried to substantiate through eLearning statistics that…