There are a lot of instances where the raw video file after camera recording is quite large in size. If it is not on a server or URL, it becomes quite difficult to upload it to online sites like VdoCipher. To solve this problem, there are offline encoders or converters, or transcoders which convert huge video files into decent sizes without any visible loss in video quality. This video compression is key to the video processing system. Some of these tools can also be used to convert files into different formats for video and audio. Here are the details of…
DRM de vídeos explicado en un lenguaje simple
Este es un blog detallado donde explicamos todo sobre DRM de vídeos (gestión de derechos digitales) en términos sencillos. Si en cambio quieres ver un resumen en vídeo, hay uno de 2 minutos y un glosario detallado al final de este artículo. Las secciones se clasifican a continuación: 1. Significado de DRM (gestión de derechos digitales) Como sugiere el nombre "gestión de derechos digitales", DRM es esencialmente un sistema técnico para garantizar que los derechos del contenido se gestionen adecuadamente. Si tienes que obtener ingresos de tu contenido, por ejemplo, de tus vídeos, es fundamental que el contenido solo sea…
Redirected: Setting desired bitrate for video playback for multiple devices
This method is applicable for videos playing on Flash player. Our HTML5 video player by default selects the best video stream based on user's network conditions (adaptive streaming). This blog references our API version v2. For details on using this feature with our API v3 please visit the Server API Docs Different devices and internet speeds require different video bitrate to be served. Based on device type and your viewer connection, some of you may opt to initiate video streaming at a particular bitrate. You may want to provide playback at a certain quality or constrain network data for users.…
AWS + CDN Infrastructure: Hosting, playback details explained in video
Video Hosting & Streaming for premium use cases require a robust, scalable and secure infrastructure. I will give a brief overview of the tech stack deployed by VdoCipher in terms of Amazon AWS Server (S3), CDN (AWS Cloudfront), Encoding infrastructure (based on EC2) to effectively ensure the smoothest delivery of video content. Here are the details explained in a video.
Faster video upload to VdoCipher: AWS acceleration + Aspera
Now you can enjoy speedy video upload even of large size from your dashboard & APIs to VdoCipher dashboard. The speedy functionality works with all kinds of video upload- from desktop, ftp, url, server, dropbox. The speeds of video upload to VdoCipher servers now show improvements typically in the range of 50% to 500% for cross-country transfer of larger objects, but can go ever higher under certain conditions. Technology behind faster uploads: AWS S3 accelerations - Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and an S3 bucket. Transfer Acceleration takes advantage of… C# web forms embed vdocipher video
The following code is the complete set up for embedding video in ASP.NET Web forms using vdocipher secure streaming. This code has been generated using Visual Studio Community 2015. For the MVC implementation, please check: For vbscript implementation of aspx, check this: Vdocipher video in aspx and aspx.cs files: Do not save API Secret in the code API secret is a key which gives your website authority to generate access tokens (OTPs) for video playback. This secret key can also be used to upload, delete videos in your vdocipher account. Hence, it should not be hard-coded in the application. It should be…