Plataforma de vídeo - O conteúdo de vídeo on-line está crescendo rapidamente e se tornando mais popular a cada dia que passa. As possibilidades de uso de vídeos on-line nas áreas profissionais são infinitas. É certo que este mercado tem o potencial de crescer bilhões de dólares nos próximos anos. Especialmente em tempos de pandemia, sites têm hospedado reuniões virtuais e transmitido eventos presenciais ao vivo para gerar receitas. Empresas de todos os tamanhos estão usando plataformas de vídeo on-line como ferramentas para fins de marketing, vendas e treinamento interno. Neste artigo, apresentaremos uma visão geral sobre os mais diversos…
Video Technology
Guía completa de las plataforma de vídeo en línea en 2023
plataforma de vídeo - El contenido de vídeo en línea está creciendo rápidamente y se está volviendo más popular cada día, y los casos de uso relacionados con ellos en el campo profesional son interminables. Este mercado ciertamente tiene el potencial de aumentar en miles de millones de dólares en los próximos años. Especialmente en estos tiempos de pandemia, los difusores de contenido están organizando reuniones virtuales y eventos en directo y en persona para generar ingresos adicionales. Incluso las empresas están utilizando plataformas de vídeo en línea para marketing, ventas y formación interna. En este artículo, vamos a dar…
What is Video Bandwidth ? 720p, 1080p, GB Transfer Explained
Internet capacity is robust, but now that we’re all working from home, there has been a massive increase in global internet consumption beyond its usual spike. In 2020, The European Union called on streaming services like YouTube and Netflix to scale back their offering to prevent broadband networks from crashing. This means offering videos in SD rather than HD to reduce global bandwidth consumption. Videos are by far the biggest consumer of bandwidth and as per the CISCO report, streaming three hours of video content generates more Internet traffic than whole household consumption. This is how important video bandwidth is.…
Encoding vs Encryption : What Is The Difference And What They Mean For Video Streaming?
Encoding and encryption are two techniques that play a crucial role in the transmission, exchange, storage, and creation of digital content be it plain text or rich media. Encryption employs an algorithm that takes in either plain text or metadata of rich media and converts it into a pseudo-random string of hexadecimal called a hash. Hash is incomprehensible unless decrypted with a private key. Your passwords, credit card numbers, WhatsApp messages, and Facetime calls all are converted to a hash before being transmitted to the network. Encoding is required because the format you capture content in and the format…
Flutter Android SDK for secure playback
The first (alpha) version of VdoCipher plugin is published and available for use in your flutter apps. Note: the plugin currently supports android only, iOS is not supported. To see installation instructions and the API Reference please visit the official publication on pub dev. To see more detailed code samples demonstrating fullscreen handling etc., please explore the sample flutter application project on GitHub. API integration at backend along with above plugin at frontend - If you click on "Embed" button below any video in dashboard, then there is a "custom backend" section explaining API integration steps. Overall API…
Video Aspect Ratio Explained with Best YouTube, Instagram dimensions
In the year 1997, my friend's father bought their first television set with a wider screen. When I watched an old Charlie Chaplin movie on the new television, I noticed a black band on each side of the screened video. Now, we called the technician assuming it to be a technical glitch. When the technician saw that, he was the first who brought the term "Video Aspect Ratio" to my knowledge. That television set was intelligent enough to place the black bands on each side of the video so as to avoid any distortion of the video. Table Of Content:…