Tutorial and demo video is here, below the video there is also the same explanation in text.
We are pleased to announce the release of our much awaited Custom player features. There are an array of customisations possible and more will be released soon. Here we list all the customisations which are now possible and then will also explain on how to integrate any new designed player in your website or app.
New Custom Player Features:
- Toggle on and off controls/buttons – Each control can be switched on or off, e.g player timeline, speed change, subtitles etc. and all such controls are customisable.
- Color change – The color change is applicable to player timeline & play button.
- Speed change options can be customised
- Skip duration can be customised, like 5 sec or 10 sec or 15 sec
- Controls to move inside settings icon – You can set certain controls to move inside a single setting icon to save space.
- Show Replay at end
- Enable Keyboard Shortcuts – And keyboard shortcuts can be seen by right clicking here on player.
- Enable Lock Controls – applicable for app
- Enable Airplay
– You can create multiple themes, but only 1 theme can be default for an account. But you can use different themes with different embed codes, thus using multiple player themes for your use case.
– Chapters over video is also possible and is a part of video edit property, and not custom player property. You can access it by going to edit/pen icon below any video and then to chapters section.
– Minimum player/SDK version required for chapters to show up is written below. Our old customers might need to upgrade the player/api/sdk, new customers wont need to do anything.
Integration of Custom player:
Each player is identified by an ID. This is added to an embed code or Player SDK. It is also possible to use the player without changing code if you are applying universally to all embedded videos. This is called making it default. When made default, that player is applied to all videos without making any change.
This is not just on the web. It can also be used to customise the looks of video players on your mobile apps. It can be used in native android, iOS, react native and flutter using our SDKs for the respective platforms. Documentation for all kind of integration is shown here.
- Iframe & API embed for website
- WordPress
- Android Native App
- iOS Native App
- React Native App
- Flutter App
If you are using WordPress/API to integrate, you can make a single change for all videos. But if you are an old customer who used iframe from before Sept 1 2022 , then you will need to regenerate iframe for the new player and customisations to work.
Please send us any queries to support@vdocipher.com and we will help you get the customisations and integrations right.
Upcoming Features:
Currently there is a certain fixed structure or core theme to the video player elements, we will provide 2 or 3 more new design/themes in near future.
Supercharge Your Business with Videos
At VdoCipher we maintain the strongest content protection for videos. We also deliver the best viewer experience with brand friendly customisations. We'd love to hear from you, and help boost your video streaming business.