Storage - Sum of raw + various encrypted files (desktop, android, IOS have different encrypted files) + multiple quality files is accounted for total storage. Thus, total storage can go anywhere from 2-5 times of what you upload. On average for most of our customers, total storage is about 3-4 times of the raw file sizes. You can check the total accounted storage for any file uploaded in the dashboard. Tutorial video to check total storage of a file in your vdocipher dashboard. Bandwidth - We will explain by example. -Suppose, there is a 1 hour of lecture video with…
Video process/encoding taking too long
We have to create different encrypted files for Desktop, Android & IOS. So, it can take some time. Processing time varies - Average is half the video length at most of times. (E.g 30 mins for 1 hour video). Minimum 5 mins for very short videos. On higher side, it can till double the video length. (E.g 2 hours for 1 hour of video) Upload occurs in parallel, so you can upload videos in bulk and wait for them to get ready. In some rare cases, video can face processing error due to codec issue in raw video; contact us.…
Video upload taking too long or failing upload in dashboard
Upload speed depends on your internet upload speed ( Internet upload speed of your wifi/data is usually different and many times less than download speed). Issues can also happen due to proxy connection in ISP. Kindly try in a different browser and in incognito mode to see if it is faster. (chrome or firefox on the desktop which ever is not tried and in incognito mode) If 2nd point doesn't work, we have an alternate upload option marked as "legacy upload" , you can try that, it works with different technology.
Pending upload too long in dashboard
Error message on Dashboard for a video- “Pending upload” for too long ( longer than 1 min) Reason - Video is not uploaded fully due to the internet connection breaking down or you clicking somewhere during upload. Status should change to "processing" within 1 minute of correct fully uploaded video. What to do - 1. Please upload the video again if the status of video is showing “Pending upload” for more than 1 min. 2. Don’t click anywhere on the tab while upload is progressing. ( can be checked in progress bar)
Nothing happens on clicking play button
Error on Desktop/Android- Viewer clicks on play button and nothing happens. Reason -It can be due to your site page theme/design conflicting with player. What to do - Can you try removing theme and playing in same site ? Can you try making player smaller ? Can you check in other browser on desktop (either of chrome or firefox )? Can you try removing extension from browser and check. If any of above 2 doesn’t play, kindly check if homepage video is playing on that device ? And then send us the page access to check.
WordPress/Moodle plugin embed issue ” Video not Found”
Please check if you are putting "client secret key" in the VdoCipher wordpress/moodle plugin settings correctly. Also, kindly ensure that "config"" section on vdocipher dashboard also has the key. If you had deleted the key from 'config' section in vdocipher dashboard, then this error would come. In that case, you can generate a new key from the config section and paste it in the Vdocipher plugin settings field. It should resolve the issue. Detailed WordPress blog + video explaining secure embed with watermark Detailed Blog in Moodle Video Plugin usage with security features. FAQs What section of the VdoCipher dashboard…