Error on Desktop/Android- Viewer clicks on play button and nothing happens. Reason -It can be due to your site page theme/design conflicting with player. What to do - Can you try removing theme and playing in same site ? Can you try making player smaller ? Can you check in other browser on desktop (either of chrome or firefox )? Can you try removing extension from browser and check. If any of above 2 doesn’t play, kindly check if homepage video is playing on that device ? And then send us the page access to check.
WordPress/Moodle plugin embed issue ” Video not Found”
Please check if you are putting "client secret key" in the VdoCipher wordpress/moodle plugin settings correctly. Also, kindly ensure that "config"" section on vdocipher dashboard also has the key. If you had deleted the key from 'config' section in vdocipher dashboard, then this error would come. In that case, you can generate a new key from the config section and paste it in the Vdocipher plugin settings field. It should resolve the issue. Detailed WordPress blog + video explaining secure embed with watermark Detailed Blog in Moodle Video Plugin usage with security features. FAQs What section of the VdoCipher dashboard…
ISP could not resolve hostname: Issue Tutorial
Error message- ISP could not resolve the hostname. Try another internet connection. Cause– Either the Internet provider of viewer has conflicts with our Amazon CDN. Or the Issue is sometimes seen in Chinese browsers due to Chinese encoding settings in browsers. Solution - If you are from the Chinese language region, kindly contact us. We are working on releasing a solution for this issue. For other users, follow below – Try changing the ISP provider if possible. Try using a different compatible browser (If using chrome in desktop/android then try using firefox or edge, and vice versa. On IOS only Safari…
Issues with static watermark in right/bottom corner
VdoCipher allows for static or/and moving watermark. Static watermark is configured with parameters x and y, where x is horizontal distance in pixels from left top corner and y is vertical distance in pixels from left top corner. Since the static watermark is configured from top left, it can only be used for top left corner. If you try to put it in some other position, then the position of watermark will change with player size (Different in full screen and small screen) So best to put watermark in top left corner. Sample shown in video now. More watermark…
WordPress embed issue via plugin: ‘Error code 60072013 Time Expired’
Message on Wordpress site when embedding via plugin “Error code 60072013 Time Expired” Reason - This usually happens when you are using some cache plugin on the pages where video is embedded and that cache prevents our dynamic urls from loading. What to do - Please remove any cache plugins from video page and then try. (E.g Wp super cache plugin can cause this) FAQs What do you need to do to prevent dynamic URLs from loading? Remove any cache plugins from the video page. What type of Video URLs are served via VdoCipher? Dynamic URLs with encrypted content.
Message on IOS Safari – “Click to Play”
Message on IOS Safari - “Click to Play” (And then clicking on it opens a new tab and then plays or sometimes not plays) This message should now not appear on IOS Safari for VdoCipher hosted videos but some older videos might have this issue. Kindly contact our team at , and they will provide the solution.