Please search for your issue in the page and check the tutorial video for resolving it.
- VdoCipher Status Page (for any current issue)
- List of all compatible browsers on devices
- Mac Safari issue: “Browser failed. Please view in updated google chrome browser”
- Desktop/Android issue with error message – “Please try the following fixes in order : 1…….”
- Android Issue: ‘3016 or 3015- ERROR PARSING/PROCESSING VIDEO’
- Desktop Issue: ‘3016 or 3015- ERROR PARSING/PROCESSING VIDEO’
- Desktop/Laptop- ‘Device/browser does not support premium content’ Or ‘Device/browser update: 6002’
- Android chrome shows error message -‘6002 Device browser doesn’t support premium content’ Or ‘Device/browser couldn’t play video’
- 1002 Network Error
- Android Message: ‘Click on Play’ & trying to play via Zenplayer app
- Zenplayer App prompt on Android
- Message on IOS Safari – ‘Click to Play’ (And then clicking on it opens a new tab and then plays/not plays)
- WordPress embed issue via plugin: ‘Error code 60072013 Time Expired’
- Issues with static watermark in right/bottom corner of player.
- Multiple video quality option not showing on player.
- Error message on Desktop/Android/IOS – “ ISP could not resolve hostname”
- Error on Desktop/Android- Viewer clicks on the play button and nothing happens.
- Processing/Upload issue: “ Verifying upload” for too long ( longer than 1 min) on dashboard
- Video upload taking too long or failing to upload.
- Video processing/encoding taking too long.
- WordPress plugin embed issue ” Video not Found”
- Error “To play this video, update from settings> General> Software update”.
- Error Message: 60072018 – License verification failed.
- Error 413 when uploading the poster image
- 60072014: Domain not allowed Issue
- An error occurred: 2079 Tap to retry/ 2079: Device not supported
- 60072017 Authentication token missing
- 1050 message”:” License creation failed”
- Error-Player configuration not found
- 60072014 domain could not be verified due to a website configuration
- Error 6007. Unable to connect to the license server. Try removing Adblock or try a different internet connection
- Using API Secret from mobile app is insecure and blocked. Call this API from a server
Supercharge Your Business with Videos
At VdoCipher we maintain the strongest content protection for videos. We also deliver the best viewer experience with brand friendly customisations. We'd love to hear from you, and help boost your video streaming business.
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