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enableAutoResume() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
enableOfflinePlayback() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
Allows Player to use locally saved media files for playback.
enqueue(DownloadRequest) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager
Enqueue a request to be downloaded.
enqueueV2(DownloadRequest) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager
Enqueue a request to be downloaded.
enterFullScreen() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
Set support for fullscreen mode of the player.
equals(Object) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.media.MediaInfo
equals(Object) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.media.Track
equals(Object) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams
ErrorCodes - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.media
Error codes related to VdoPlayer.
ErrorDescription - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.media
Describes an error that may occur during use of any library components like player, downloader, etc.
ErrorMessageProvider - class in com.vdocipher.aegis.utils
exitFullScreen() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
Set support to exit form fullscreen mode of the player.
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