- saveOffline(com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.DownloadRequest) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager
- Enqueue a request to be downloaded.
- searchInSelectedSubtitle(java.lang.String,com.vdocipher.aegis.player.internal.subtitle.SubtitleSearchListener) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- Search in selected subtitle and seek to matching cues.
- searchInSelectedSubtitle(java.lang.String,com.vdocipher.aegis.player.internal.subtitle.SubtitleSearchListener) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayer
- Search in selected subtitle and seek to matching cues.
- seekTo(long) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- Seeks to a particular time in the video.
- seekTo(long) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayer
- Seeks to a particular time in the video.
- setAlbumArt(java.lang.String,android.net.Uri) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerView
- setAllowAdbDebugging(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets whether to allow ADB (Android Debug Bridge) debugging during playback.
- setAspectRatio(float) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerFragment
- Set aspect ratio for the fragment view.
- setAspectRatio(float) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSupportFragment
- Set aspect ratio for the fragment view.
- setAspectRatio(float) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerView
- Set aspect ratio for the fragment view.
- setAspectRatio(float) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
- Set aspect ratio for the fragment view.
- setAutoplay(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets whether the player should autoplay when the media is ready.
- setAutoResumeCallback(com.vdocipher.aegis.player.internal.util.AutoResumeCallback) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- Set callback to provide event when video start resume from saved seek position
- setAutoResumeCallback(com.vdocipher.aegis.player.internal.util.AutoResumeCallback) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayer
- Set callback to provide event when video start resume from saved seek position
- setBackPressCalled() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
- Set support to handle back press.
- setClips(int,int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the start and end time for a media clip playback.
- setCustomPlayer(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the custom player ID.
- setDescription(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoMediaMetadata
- Sets the description of the media.
- setDisableAnalytics(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets whether to disable analytics for playback.
- setDownloadLocation(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSetting.Builder
- Sets the location where downloads will be stored.
- setDownloadNotificationHelper(java.lang.Class) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager
- Change download notification look and feel.
- setFilterByMediaId(kotlin.Array) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager.Query
- Include only media downloads with the given mediaIds.
- setFilterByStatus(kotlin.Array) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager.Query
- Include only media downloads with the given statuses.
- setForceHighestSupportedBitrate(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets whether to force the use of the highest supported bitrate for video playback.
- setForceLowestBitrate(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets whether to force the use of the lowest bitrate for video playback.
- setFullscreenActionListener(com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.FullScreenActionListener) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
- setMaxBufferMs(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSetting.Builder
- Sets the maximum buffer size in milliseconds.
- setMaxVideoBitrateKbps(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the maximum video bitrate in kilobits per second (kbps).
- setNotificationDescription(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.DownloadRequest.Builder
- setNotificationTitle(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.DownloadRequest.Builder
- setOfflinePlayback(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Enables offline playback for a specified media ID.
- setOtp(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the OTP for online playback.
- setPictureInPictureSupport(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
- Set support for picture in picture mode.
- setPlaybackBehavior(com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSetting.VdoPlaybackMode) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSetting.Builder
- Sets the playback behavior for the VdoPlayer.
- setPlaybackInfo(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the playback information for online playback.
- setPlaybackSpeed(float) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- Sets the playback speed.
- setPlaybackSpeed(float) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayer
- Sets the playback speed.
- setPlayerConfig(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- setPlayerLanguage(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the language code for the player.
- setPlayWhenReady(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- Sets whether playback should proceed when getPlaybackState == STATE_READY.
- setPlayWhenReady(boolean) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayer
- Sets whether playback should proceed when getPlaybackState == STATE_READY.
- setPoster(android.net.Uri) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoMediaMetadata
- Sets the URI of the poster image associated with the media.
- setPreferredCaptionsLanguage(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the preferred captions language for the media.
- setResizeMode(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSupportFragment
- Sets the resize mode.
- setResizeMode(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerView
- Sets the resize mode.
- setResizeMode(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
- Sets the resize mode.
- setResumeTime(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the player resume time in milliseconds.
- setSelectedTracks(kotlin.Array) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- Sets a fixed (non-adaptive) selection of tracks.
- setSelectedTracks(kotlin.Array) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayer
- Sets a fixed (non-adaptive) selection of tracks.
- setSessionAvailabilityListener(com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastSessionAvailabilityListener) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- setStartTime(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.media.Chapter
- setTechOverride(kotlin.Array) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the technology override for playback.
- setTitle(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.media.Chapter
- setTitle(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoMediaMetadata
- Sets the title of the media.
- setToken(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the token for online playback.
- setVdoMediaMetadata(com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoMediaMetadata) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the media metadata for the Vdo player.
- setVdoParamsGenerator(com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoParamsGenerator) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerControlView
- setVideoId(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Sets the video ID for online playback.
- setVideoStretchMode(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerFragment
- Set stretch mode for video scaling inside the fragment layout.
- setVideoStretchMode(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSupportFragment
- Set stretch mode for video scaling inside the fragment layout.
- setVideoStretchMode(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerView
- Set stretch mode for video scaling inside the fragment layout.
- setVideoStretchMode(int) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.ui.view.VdoPlayerUIFragment
- Set stretch mode for video scaling inside the fragment layout.
- skipMedia3VersionCheck() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoInitParams.Builder
- Skips the Media3 version check.
- stop() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.cast.CastVdoPlayer
- Stops the currently loaded video.
- stop() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayer
- Stops the currently loaded video.
- stopDownload(java.lang.String) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager
- stopDownloads(kotlin.Array) - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.offline.VdoDownloadManager
- Stop download for given media ids.
- stopPlayer() - function in com.vdocipher.aegis.player.VdoPlayerSupportFragment