
interface VdoPlayer

Interface for controlling playback.

The VdoPlayer instance returned in onInitializationSuccess can be used to load media and control playback.



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Interface for callbacks related to playback events.


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The player needs more data to be loaded to be ready to play or resume playback.
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val STATE_ENDED: Int = 4
The player has finished playing all the media enqueued.
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val STATE_IDLE: Int = 1
No media is currently queued for playback.
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val STATE_READY: Int = 3
The player is able to immediately play from the current position.
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val TOTAL_COVERED: String = "totalCovered"
Get playback property from the player getPlaybackProperty
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val TOTAL_PLAYED: String = "totalPlayed"
Get playback property from the player getPlaybackProperty


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Register callbacks for playback events from this VdoPlayer
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abstract fun getAvailableTracks(): Array<Track>
Returns the available tracks for the currently playing media.
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abstract fun getBufferedTime(): Long
Gets the time till which video is buffered
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abstract fun getCurrentMedia(): MediaInfo
Returns a MediaInfo object containing info corresponding to the currently playing media.
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abstract fun getCurrentTime(): Long
Gets the current playback time of the video from the beginning.
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abstract fun getDuration(): Long
Gets the duration of the current video.
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abstract fun getPlaybackProperty(propertyName: String): Any
Returns values of additional properties specific to current playback session.
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abstract fun getPlaybackSpeed(): Float
Returns the currently active playback speed.
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abstract fun getPlaybackState(): Int
Returns the current state of the player.
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* Called when the player configuration for requested media is loaded.
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abstract fun getPlayWhenReady(): Boolean
Whether playback will proceed when getPlaybackState == STATE_READY.
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abstract fun getSelectedTracks(): Array<Track>
Returns the selected tracks for the currently playing media.
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abstract fun isAdaptive(): Boolean
Returns if the current playback is adaptive.
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Returns if the current player supports changing the playback speed.
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abstract fun load(vdoParams: VdoInitParams)
Immediately starts loading a media for the player to play.
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abstract fun release()
Release system resources used by this VdoPlayer.
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Remove a registered playback event listener from this VdoPlayer
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abstract fun retry()
Attempt to prepare the media while maintaining its playback state.
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abstract fun searchInSelectedSubtitle(searchText: String, subtitleSearchListener: SubtitleSearchListener)
Search in selected subtitle and seek to matching cues.
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abstract fun seekTo(timeInMillis: Long)
Seeks to a particular time in the video.
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abstract fun setAutoResumeCallback(autoResumeCallback: AutoResumeCallback)
Set callback to provide event when video start resume from saved seek position
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abstract fun setPlaybackSpeed(speed: Float)
Sets the playback speed.
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abstract fun setPlayWhenReady(playWhenReady: Boolean)
Sets whether playback should proceed when getPlaybackState == STATE_READY.
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abstract fun setSelectedTracks(tracks: Array<Track>)
Sets a fixed (non-adaptive) selection of tracks.
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abstract fun stop()
Stops the currently loaded video.