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Set callback to listen save offline event and provide persistent Token to download video.
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open fun enterFullScreen()
Set support for fullscreen mode of the player.
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open fun exitFullScreen()
Set support to exit form fullscreen mode of the player.
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open fun getResizeMode(): Int
Returns the resize mode.
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Return currently set video stretch mode.
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open fun initialize(initializationListener: PlayerHost.InitializationListener)
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open fun onBackPressed()
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Called when a cast session is available.
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Called when the cast session is not available.
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open fun onCreate(@Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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open fun onCreateView(@NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater, @Nullable container: ViewGroup, savedInstanceState: Bundle): View
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open fun onInflate(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull attrs: AttributeSet, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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open fun onPause()
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open fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean)
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open fun onResume()
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open fun onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull outState: Bundle)
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open fun onStart()
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open fun onStop()
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open fun onViewCreated(@NonNull view: View, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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open fun onViewStateRestored(@Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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open fun setAspectRatio(widthToHeightRatio: Float)
Set aspect ratio for the fragment view.
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Set support to handle back press.
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open fun setFullscreenActionListener(fullScreenActionListener: FullScreenActionListener)
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open fun setPictureInPictureSupport(supportsPictureInPicture: Boolean)
Set support for picture in picture mode.
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open fun setResizeMode(resizeMode: Int)
Sets the resize mode.
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open fun setVideoStretchMode(videoStretchMode: Int)
Set stretch mode for video scaling inside the fragment layout.