Cast Vdo Player
A VdoPlayer implementation that can be used to interact with the VdoCipher Cast receiver app.
In order to use this class, you must pass a CastContext to create an instance.
To track cast session availability, use isCastSessionAvailable to get session status at start, and attach a CastSessionAvailabilityListener using setSessionAvailabilityListenerWeakRef to get further session availability updates.
To join an existing playback session on the receiver app, use joinSession; to load a new session, use load.
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Register callbacks for playback events from this VdoPlayer
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Returns the available tracks for the currently playing media.
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Gets the time till which video is buffered
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Returns the offset between the current real time and the playback position (if available).
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Returns a MediaInfo object containing info corresponding to the currently playing media.
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Returns the index of the current MediaItem in the timeline, or the prospective index if the current timeline is empty.
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Gets the current playback time of the video from the beginning.
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Returns the current Timeline.
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Gets the duration of the current video.
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Returns values of additional properties specific to current playback session.
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Returns the currently active playback speed.
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* Called when the player configuration for requested media is loaded.
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Returns the selected tracks for the currently playing media.
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Returns if the current playback is adaptive.
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Returns whether the current MediaItem is live, or false if the Timeline is empty
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Returns whether the current MediaItem is seekable, or false if the Timeline is empty.
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Indicates whether the currently playing media item is still being updated.
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Returns if the current player supports changing the playback speed.
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Join an existing cast session if the provided VdoInitParams is being played.
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Immediately starts loading a media for the player to play.
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Remove a registered playback event listener from this VdoPlayer
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open fun searchInSelectedSubtitle(searchText: String, subtitleSearchListener: SubtitleSearchListener)
Search in selected subtitle and seek to matching cues.
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Seeks to the default position associated with the current MediaItem.
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Set callback to provide event when video start resume from saved seek position
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Sets the playback speed.
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Sets a fixed (non-adaptive) selection of tracks.
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