How VdoCipher Security Beats the Competition
In protecting premium videos, encryption is the easy part. The challenge is in making content keys accessible to authorized video player only. The content keys are necessary to decrypt and play videos. If content keys are accessible to any app outside your application your videos can be easily downloaded.
Learn how VdoCipher beats commonly marketed security technologies to provide truly secure protection for premium videos.
More Secure Than RTMPe
Encrypted RTMP Streaming is widely marketed as being sufficient protection for premium content. However tools such as RTMPDump easily decrypt RTMP encrypted streams.
Secure Decryption in addition to AES-128 encryption
In Basic AES-128 encryption content keys are easily accessible in network. VdoCipher DRM adds a secure decryption process in which content keys are hidden and only accessible to the video player only.
Includes Domain Whitelisting
Domain Whitelisting ensures that your videos cannot be embedded to any non-authorized website. VdoCipher DRM license ensures that any video playback request is being generated from your own website only.
Secure Key Exchange than HLSe
In HLS Encryption the key used to decrypt content is not sufficiently hidden from the user. Thus tools & hackers who know where to look can still find the key to download your premium content.
DRM for effective Password-Protection
An effective paywall for videos requires user login and password system. But videos should not be downloadable after login. VdoCipher DRM ensures that nobody can download and share your videos outside your site/app.
IP and Geo Restriction Available
Using VdoCipher's DRM you can you can make your videos accessible only inside internal IP networks, or in specific countries only. Best suited for corporate training videos and for geo rights-limited videos.

Security + UX
Our video streaming combines secure video with a fantastic user experience, to help you deliver the best video experience to your users.